Spring chill

Saturday was one of those spring days when the dampness just soaks into your muscles. After the day’s work, we were both drained from the chill and uncharacteristically subdued. Some days are just like that. It wasn’t until making a fire, eating hot soup, and crawling into bed early that my legs and hips finally thawed. That’s where the cold always gets me, front and side upper leg muscles.

There are blue skies outside the window this morning. Hopefully it’ll be a sunny Sunday.

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Jay worked up a row in the Little Tunnel with hand tools. It’s too tight a space for the walking tractor. First, he loosened the soil with the broad fork. You can see a sliver of the broad fork on the right side of this photo. Then, he went over the row with the wheel hoe. The wheel hoe has different attachments. It basically turns you into a rototiller. We use it for spots like this, but it isn’t practical for wide use on a farm this size. It is a handy tool for home gardeners, however. The more workable the soil, the easier it is to use. It’s a workout when you have weeds and stones.

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We pinned landscape fabric between the Big Tunnel and Caterpillar 2. Lettuce and cilantro will mostly take up this space.

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We started selling lettuce again last week. It’s one of our most popular items.

Have a pleasant, Sunday. The sun is shining now!

~ Stella