Good-bye & thank you!

Our son and the CSA are the same age. For the first season - back when the farm was a solo project of Jason’s - Silas was a newborn.

Fast forward and both the farm and boy are eight. The farm is now every bit a team effort, and the CSA is also at an end. Thank you so much for being a CSA member. Some of you have been with us for years. How appreciated you made us feel by signing up each season.

We hope you enjoyed your time with us. If you’d like to track down Plot Twist Farm produce next season, you’ll be able to find us at several locations.

The other night, the three of us talked about how we felt about the CSA ending. We agreed it was bittersweet. We all have new things happening in our lives, and it feels like an exciting time. But something that was a force of good in our lives is ending, and it’s impossible to not feel a bit of sadness.

The farm has always been a blend of grit, goodwill, and great luck. We brought the grit, and it was you who always brought the goodwill by supporting a small farm. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

~ Stella & Jason

Time for a new chapter

We have four lists hanging on our fridge. They’re lists of what we’re planning to put in the last CSA shares of the season. We’ve made these lists for eight years. In that time, we’ve packed weekly produce shares, June through October, for more than 300 households total. That’s close to 6,000 shares.

After eight years, we’re opening to a fresh page for the farm, and our family, and doing so means it’s time to end the CSA. We’re grateful for everything the CSA helped us do, and we’re also excited for the future.

We’ve found ourselves in the fortunate position of no longer requiring the CSA to financially sustain our family or farm. If you’ve followed our story, you know that Jason left his full-time job in December. He started his own business as a grant writer and project manager. To our complete and joyous surprise, this business was immediately able to support our family.

And while this was wonderful news for us, it did upend our year. This was supposed to be the season when we farmed full time, with Jason’s new business operating on the side for added financial security. To keep ourselves sane, we decreased our farm workload in the ways that we could. This meant focusing on the CSA, while drastically scaling back retail sales, and only attending the farmers market when it did not put too much strain on our week.

Next year, we’ll be doing the reverse. We’ll return to selling to local outlets, and we’ll be regulars again at the farmers market.

This farm reset will open up time and energy for long overdue personal and professional goals, and allow us much more time with family. It will also allow us to retool the farm. We’re drawing up plans for an entirely new farm layout (one of the benefits of a business built of soil!), and rethinking what we’ll plant and how much. There’s a new, exciting energy flowing into our lives.

We’re grateful for everything the CSA gave us. It’s because of the CSA that there’s even a farm. And it gave us the confidence to make the leap to self-employment, a decision that has changed our lives in the most fantastic way. Along the way, we’ve met people who will be special to us always. We’ve finished Part 1 of the farm’s story. Time for the sequel.

~ Stella

Spring so far

It’s been a blur of baseball, cyber school, farming, and other work. So it goes with spring.

It’s Silas’s first year playing ball. Grandpa Gary mowed a ball field at the farm. We’ve had a lot of fun helping Silas practice and watching him play. By extremely lucky circumstances, I get to watch my 7-year-old and my 74-year-old dad play ball.

The photo above is how every season begins — with Jason starting dozens of seed flats. If you follow along, you know Jason quit his full-time, off-farm job in December. He also started his own company — a grant-writing and project management firm. We were both surprised — OK, stunned — at how quickly this took off. Another one of life’s plot twists. It’s been great for our family, but it’s re-shaping our year. We’re also going through the formal process of officially making me an employee of the new business. We’re still figuring out what a “typical” week looks like during the growing season, and trying to rein in the number of hours worked.

So this winter and early spring, Jason ended up poking seeds in potting soil late into the night once more. We thought days like that were behind him, but we were wrong. We were mistaken to think this new life would neatly click into place, but we’re figuring it out.

This garlic was planted last autumn. We’ll harvest mid summer.

The night Silas scored his first run!

First market of the season. You’ll find us every Saturday at the Meadville Market House at 9 a.m. We’ve been loving our market Saturdays. For one thing, the Friday harvest is so much easier and more enjoyable with Jason and me working as a team. The Market House has been a bustling place Saturday mornings. Opening the doors and at times seeing people milling all around has been awesome.

Down to the last chive. Someone came along and bought it.

Notice the change in attire from Week 1 to Week 2.

The Big Tunnel after Jason straightened it out and I put straw down thick. Green onions, oregano, spinach, broccoli, and radishes were growing earlier this spring. The empty rows now have tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.

Here we have garlic, kale, broccoli, and lettuce. You may notice the lack of landscape fabric. We learned last season that fabric is a no-go for anything in spring, and unwise year-round for any crop voles find delicious and we hold precious — like lettuce.

The onions are doing terrific. We put down thick straw and planted directly into it. We won’t worry about those anymore until late summer.

Above is a photo of the tomatoes and peppers we planted Memorial Day weekend.

Hope you’re enjoying spring. The CSA will likely start in the third week of June. We’ll send out plenty of notifications beforehand. We’ll probably open our online orders around that time, as well.

In the meantime, if you’re in the Meadville area, come see us on Saturday mornings.

~ Stella

75% CSA retention rate for 2022!

This is a year unlike any other for us, as you know. For those of you who are new, Jason no longer works off the farm. That was not the case for our previous seven seasons. And Season 8 is a milestone year for another reason. After entering this year’s CSA memberships into a spreadsheet, Jason learned that 75 percent of our CSA members from last year have signed up for this year. The average retention rate for CSAs is about 45 percent.

The prospect of seeing and communicating with most of the same people this year came as happy news to me, and it makes me excited for the season. Many of those CSA members have been with us for several years now - if not from the very beginning!

A few CSA members opted out this year because they have plans to travel, with the end of the pandemic hopefully on the horizon. This, too, is happy news!

~ Stella

P.S. And we do have a few CSA spots still open. Last count was five.

Easy, lemony kale & northern bean soup - Save this one if you'll be a part of the farm in 2022!

This soup is so tasty, I could eat it every week … as a matter of fact, I have been eating it every week lately. It’s a meal that just makes you feel really good. The northern beans are filling, and the citrus makes it bright and refreshing. Our weather in NW Pa.’s been about as cheery as Mordor, so hot bowls of this lemony soup have really hit the spot. And it is easy to make.

Here’s my recipe for Lemony Kale & Northern Bean Soup. CSA friends: You might want to save this one for when your share starts in June. Your CSA will include a lot of kale, and this is a fantastic way to use it up quickly. You’ll also receive the fresh herbs listed in the recipe. (If you’d like to learn more about joining the CSA, click here.)



1 large onion, chopped

Garlic, to taste (at least a few cloves), minced

3 cans of northern beans (also known as white beans) w/liquid

1 bunch of kale, chopped (remove the stems)

Fresh parsley, chopped

Fresh oregano, chopped

Fresh sage, chopped

3 cups of water

Juice from 1 lemon

Salt & pepper

Optional: Bouillon cubes or Better Than Bouillon, use according to package instructions. (You could season this soup entirely with salt and pepper, but I like to cheat a bit with a few teaspoons of Better Than Bouillon.)


1.) Cook onion in butter until it starts to brown.

2.) Add garlic. Stir briefly, browning garlic slightly.

3.) Add 3 cans of northern beans, as well as the liquid from the beans.

4.) Add chopped kale and herbs.

5.) Add 3 cups of water and lemon juice.

6.) Season with salt and pepper, and bouillon. You may also want to melt in pats of butter for flavor.


~ Stella

The plan for Season 8 - continue to be frugal, start setting limits on work hours

We’re now eight work days out from Jason leaving his full-time job. It might seem like a time for radical rethinking of farm revenue, but for two reasons this December isn’t much different than past years.

For one, the farm’s functioned for seven years now, and Jason’s meticulously tracked our yearly progress. Because of this, the adjustments we need to make on paper to prepare for the season are predictable. We’ll fill in details over the next few weeks, then it’s time to order seeds and start indoor seeding by late January.

The second reason we aren’t in a frenzied restructuring mode is that the farm will not be our sole source of income. Initially, our plan was to ramp the CSA back up to 75 members, as it was in Season 5, and attend three farmers markets a week. We also laid the groundwork with another regional retailer and planned to stock our produce there.

Over the summer, our plans for Season 8 shifted significantly when Jason started his grant-writing/project managing business, Spark Community Capital. This venture uses his decade of knowledge in this field, and lets him control his own schedule. It also provides a new income stream for our family and shifts pressure off the farm.

With this change, we decided to continue with an approximately 50-member CSA (this will once again include several free shares in our Give & Grown program). We’ll also be applying to attend one farmers market this year - the Meadville Market House on Saturdays.

Prior to the pandemic, we attended three farmers markets a week with the help of a part-time employee. In those days, we set up two days a week at the Titusville Open Air Market, and one day at the Market House. The Titusville market is wonderful, and helped us tremendously in our earliest years. But for the time being, we’re cutting back to the one market for two reasons.

The first reason is time. The day before any farmers market is spent harvesting, washing, and packing everything we plan to sell. In order to harvest enough to make the market worth our while, this process takes a whole day. Our goal is a table with a minimum of $300 of produce. A table with $400 of produce that we sell in about four hours would be a good day. More than that would be a great day. Then, of course, we spend a good portion of the following day actually at the market, setting up, selling, and closing down.

So a trip to the farmers market is about a day and a half of labor. The more markets we attend, the less time we have in the field or doing something entirely different, which brings me to the second reason.

We’ve decided that we no longer want our family going in different directions on Saturdays. We want to enjoy Saturdays during the growing season together. To make this happen, we’ll make all CSA deliveries on Thursdays (in the late afternoon/early evening), and then we can all be at the farmers market together.

We’re excited about this because the farmers market is a lot of fun, and so is downtown Meadville on a Saturday morning. Visiting with people who value local, no-spray produce, and the rainbow of foods NW Pa. provides, is rewarding for a farmer. It’s also good for a gardener’s soul to chat with fellow farmers. When much of your weekly conversation is the overheard humming of bees, the social connection is much appreciated.

Jason’s looking forward to it because he hasn’t had the opportunity to work a market regularly in all his years farming. He and Silas used to pop in to visit me as they passed through on CSA deliveries, and I know neither one of them ever wanted to get back on the road again.

There’s something special in the air at a farmers market. The ones in this area are small, not the endless stretches that sprout in larger cities. While I’m sure big markets are wonders to behold, little markets are cozy. Everyone knows everyone, and they’re easy to navigate. You’re doing right by your health and your community when you visit a market, big or small.

In 2022, we plan to continue selling to Core Goods, in Oil City, and Edinboro Market. These unique shops fill their shelves with local products and are important to small farms like ours.

We also plan to continue selling online via our website.

While our circumstances will change dramatically in 2022, our goal is not to push ourselves to our limits. We’ve done that for seven years. We also spent the last few years paying off our debts and developing a frugal lifestyle anchored by minimalist tenets. We did all this to essentially gain our freedom from the traditional work model, which structures a life around working for someone else and often leaves only crumbs of time (if that, even) for your family, your life, and your community.*

While this year feels experimental, it does not feel scary. Like any experiment, it could fail. But we believe in our hypothesis and we’ll tinker with it as needed. Our method includes living debt free and on a budget; cherishing people and experiences over material things; and working hard, but smart, as needed. We hope the conclusion to this experiment is a life with our loved ones and our own well-being at its core.

~ Stella

* If you’re new to this idea and it intrigues you, may I suggest, “Your Money or Your Life,” by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, and “The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy,” by Cait Flanders. You may also be interested in the excellent blog, “Frugalwoods.com.”

The farm will be on TV Oct. 24!


Hello, friends! Fun news to share. Over the summer, PCN spent a day on the farm with us, and now it’s time for our show to air!

Here are the details sent out by PCN:

Get An Insider’s Look Into Plot Twist Farm with PCN Tours

One of our most popular weekly series, PCN Tours has brought viewers into more than 500

Pennsylvania museums and manufacturing facilities. Sunday, Oct. 24, at 6 p.m. we are giving

you an insider’s look into Plot Twist Farm in Guys Mill, Pa.

In this episode, you’ll learn about this no-spray, pesticide free vegetable farm. The farm sells to

local markets and offers a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, where consumers

can become CSA members by purchasing a “share” before the farm season and in return receive

fresh, seasonal produce.

Watch PCN Tours to learn more about what makes this Commonwealth a great place to live and

work. New episodes are shown on Sundays at 6 p.m. with previous tours airing weekdays at 7

a.m. and 6 p.m.

ABOUT PCN: PCN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit television network dedicated to educating,

connecting, and celebrating Pennsylvania's past, present, and future through cable television and

streaming platforms. To make a tax-deductible donation to support PCN’s mission or to get the

PCN Select App, visit pcntv.com.

HOW TO WATCH: Have cable? You have PCN. No cable? Stream with PCN Select on your

favorite device. Learn more at pcntv.com/how-to-watch

WEBSITE: pcntv.com/tours

DVDS, BLU-RAYS & DOWNLOADS: pcntv.com/shop

SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube - @pcntv, Instagram - @pennsylvaniacablenetwork

1,008 CSA shares packed - time to turn the page to Season 8!

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1,008 CSA shares grown on about 3 acres by 2 1/2 farmers (counting Silas). That was Season No. 7 at Plot Twist Farm!

The end of the year was an unusual one. We had someone in our care, and this, added to the fact that Silas and I have shifted our focus to cyber school, halted my farm work almost entirely, leaving Jason to finish out the CSA season pretty much on his own.

On Saturday, Jason and Silas delivered the last shares of the year. Afterward, we hopped in the car and returned the person in our care to their home. Party animals that we are, we celebrated the end of the season by collapsing in the living room.

But, Jason did have a little surprise up his sleeve, or I should say, hidden away among the farm’s seed stash. After briefly disappearing downstairs, he came back up with a small gray box. The appearance of this little parcel, even for a minimalist such as myself, was quite thrilling. What could it be?! When I lifted the lid, my usual disdain of earthly trinkets was replaced by delight at the sight of a delicate, gold-dipped birch leaf pendant.

He settled on birch after reading it was a symbol of new beginnings. It’s one of the first trees to come to leaf in the spring, and there’s all manner of interesting Celtic mythology surrounding birch. During the Celtic celebration of Samhain (what’s considered Halloween in the U.K. nowadays), bundles of birch twigs were used to usher out the spirits of the past year. As you know from what I shared last week, our minds are all about a new beginning now.

When a season draws to a close, I usually have a sense of relief. Then, a few weeks later, as we pull out the brown tomato vines and put away water sprinklers, I get the itch to start all over again.

But this year, the feeling of relief that ushered out the season has swirled with excitement for next spring like an internal cyclone. I’m not wishing away autumn and winter, because I love all the seasons and don’t generally hurry away any time in my life, but when I picture next year, with all three of us going about our farm work, happily tucked inside the fence, my heart beats fast.

The conclusion of this season was supposed to bring a close to this blog, as well. After writing sporadically about the farm for the past few years, last winter I committed to weekly posts to document the season. Now here we are. We’ve gone through a whole season together. But next year is a new beginning. It will be uncharted territory for us. There’s so much potential. So much to be gained and learned. And as long as I find writing about it enjoyable, I’d like to keep going.

As I finish this, I hear Jason’s chainsaw in the woods. It’s time to think about firewood and kindling and other cold weather preparations. The propagation tunnel is full of seedlings in bad need of transplanting in our winter gardens. When life is all about growing and creating, there’s always a new beginning just around the corner.

~ Stella

Summer to fall

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This is Jason’s haul from last night. We’re nearing the end of the big tomato harvests, and now it’s time to move on to squash and other autumn crops.

All of the tomatoes are heirlooms for this week’s CSA members. The yellow are pineapple, and the pink are brandywine. The green are ripe; they’re a variety named Aunt Ruby’s German green.

This was our first squash harvest of the season. We’ll continue stockpiling that for the last few weeks of the CSA. After we pack this week’s share, we’re down to three more CSA weeks.

~ Stella

Panzanella - a summer taste of Tuscany

I love food aha! moments. When someone introduces you to a simple and delicious ingredient or recipe. This happens at least once each season, thanks to a CSA member.

The recipe below is for panzanella, and it was one such moment. It was sent in by CSA member Mark. I used it in this week’s CSA newsletter, and also asked him to share a good Italian proverb about food. I’ll let the curious amongst us seek its meaning.

Mark’s explanation of panzanella is so interesting and clear, I’ll just let him take it from here.

~ Stella

“Mangia bene e caca forte e non aver paura della morte.” - Italian folk saying

“Mangia bene e caca forte e non aver paura della morte.” - Italian folk saying


Panzanella is the epitome of Italian cucina povera or “poor kitchen.” Historically, this was the food of the impoverished. Now, it’s a catch-all phrase for an inexpensive dish that makes use of simple ingredients and is prepared easily.

Panzanella is a mixing of the word for bread - pane - and that of an archaic word for bowl - zanella. This high-summer dish is native to Tuscany, but one sees variations across the region.

Bread, tomatoes, red onion, basil, olive oil, salt, and pepper are at the core of panzanella.

This is a fool-proof recipe! That stale bread on your counter or buried in your freezer? Toast it, cube it, and put it into a bowl.

Then, add a number of diced, very ripe tomatoes and a few slivers of red onion. Thinly slice some basil and add it, along with some salt and a few grinds of black pepper.

Finish the dish with a healthy drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and toss it gently.

You’ll see variants of panzanella, depending on what’s in the fridge and needs to be eaten. When I have things like cucumbers, peppers, and celery on hand - as we CSAers have had recently - I often add them to the dish. Sometimes a bit of red wine vinegar or some capers is added to give the dish a boost. Italians closer to the sea often add anchovies to the mix, too.

Mangia bene!

~ Mark